
J.J. Jones

Senior Corporate Counsel, Microsoft

Chief legal advisor to the Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART), the Company’s only customer-facing cybersecurity incident response team.

  • Collaborate with law department colleagues on strategies to address evolving legal and business risks and develop policies relating to security research, threat hunting, threat intel collection and sharing, customer notifications, data protection, and incident response.
  • Provide legal guidance to DART relating to cybercrime investigations led by US and foreign law enforcement and intelligence agencies, interface with same on DART’s behalf, including development of rapid response, global legal services model for same.
  • Partner with Defending Democracy Team to support election security initiatives.
  • Provide legal guidance and support internal threat intelligence sharing efforts to increase the ability of threat hunters to share threat intel.
  • Chief legal advisor to the Cybersecurity Solutions Group, a multi-billion-dollar global security business, which empowers customers and partners through security, identity, and compliance solutions with advanced AI intelligence-based detection capabilities.
  • Manage and direct efficient, results-oriented confidential internal investigations, including partnering with security teams to investigate leaks of confidential and trade secret information, insider threats, physical security threats, and managed computer forensics and other investigators.
  • Trusted legal advisor for post-acquisition integration of CyberX IoT security software company.
