Welcome to Securities Enforcement Forum Central 2023! 

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Securities Enforcement Forum Central is a unique, one-day conference that brings together hundreds of current and former senior SEC officials, securities enforcement and white-collar attorneys, in-house counsel and compliance executives, and other top professionals in the field. This year’s conference will be held on Tuesday, September 19, 2023 at the extraordinary Four Seasons Chicago, and will also be available for attendees to view live online.

Securities Enforcement Forum Central will include a must-see “Director’s Panel” featuring Regional Directors Dan Gregus, Eric Werner and Jason Burt (of the SEC’s Chicago, Fort Worth and Denver Offices, respectively), and seven other panels. It will also showcase a Keynote Q&A discussion with David Hirsch, the Chief of the SEC’s Crypto Asset and Cyber Unit. The conference’s stellar faculty – including numerous senior SEC enforcement officials and over 20 other luminaries in the securities enforcement field — will discuss the most important issues now facing attorneys and professionals who work in this area.

6+ hours of CLE credit are available to attendees (approved in Illinois, Texas, Delaware and all reciprocal states).